Getting Started with your Personal Brand

Ellen Looyen
'America's Leader in Personal Branding'
Written by Ellen Looyen

Believe it or not, I discovered my own personal brand many years ago, in a fortune cookie…It stated: “You find hidden treasure where others see nothing unusual”! And since my life purpose is all about “helping people connect more authentically and charismatically” (to influence, inspire and to lead more effectively), the two align beautifully; and my work is more meaningful because of that alignment.
The most successful personal brands align with one’s life purpose…

If you’re like most people, the concept of aligning your “life purpose” with the work you do probably seems elusive or perhaps secondary. Let’s first consider what we mean by ‘life purpose’

In my research, I’ve found “life purpose” defined in the following ways:
§ The expanding of one's potential in life
§  Becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be (i.e., becoming the best version of yourself )
§  Living authentically by utilizing your talents the right way
§  Being able to put the whole of oneself into one's feelings, one's work, one's beliefs
§  Creating your own destiny

As a Branding Specialist for over 24 years, it’s been my job to help people connect what they do, with their purpose or passion. The personal brands that are most successful are those that align with one’s life purpose.

Oprah Winfrey said:

I’ve come to believe that each of us has a higher calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.”

How To Get Started?
  • First, uncover the WHY of your brand
What is extraordinary and unique about your contribution of value? Why do you choose to do what you do? Your “Why” is typically the passion that drives, excites and differentiates you from other (non-passionate) look-alikes.

Building an authentic personal brand requires an honest personal inquiry that usually leads to an evolutionary journey towards achieving more meaning and fulfillment in your work (and in your life).

  • Next, articulate the WHY of your brand
This step involves defining your unique value proposition and translating it into self-promotional messaging. This messaging can then create meaningful and authentic connections to those who you most want to influence, help, sell to, persuade, serve, etc.

Everyone has a personal brand and a unique life purpose just waiting to be discovered and articulated…

Yet most people are not aware of how to build and manage their brand, strategically, consistently, and effectively. It’s never too late to take control of your brand and the message it sends (to positively affect how others perceive you). Creating a charismatic personal brand, that’s in alignment with your personal values and your life purpose, gives your life and work more meaning, while catapulting your business or career to the next level.

To take your own personal or business branding to the next level, attend Ellen's introductory webinar on 6/7 @ 10am PT/1pm EST where Ellen will take you step by step through the fundamentals of getting started on developing your own powerful, authentic personal brand. RSVP here
